
Untitled design 13 - slider, fashion - Heavier Things -  - Heavier Things

Heavier Things

October 15, 2021

Heavier Things starring Pau Ramis Man of Metropolis Digital TALENT Pau Ramis, SIGHT Management wears DUARTE MADRID and Sneakers by LOUIS VUITTON by PHOTOGRAPHER Alejandro Brito STYLIST Gissell Garcia HAIR & MAKEUP Yadro Ocgoa STYLING ASSISTANT Luca Azzarini EDITOR Seth…

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Paradise Valley

Paradise Valley starring Alberto Perazzolo   Man of Metropolis Digital TALENT Alberto Perazzolo, IMG Models wears coat by PRADA T-shirt and jeans by LEVI’S leather belt by RUST MOOD Hat Witte Hats by PHOTOGRAPHER Lorenzo Profilio STYLIST Janou Monteagud HAIR…

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Clint Mauro in Wild Blue

October 14, 2021

Wild Blue starring Clint Mauro   TALENT Clint Mauro, NTA wears EMPORIO ARMANI by PHOTOGRAPHER Dennis Leupold for Man of Metropolis DIGITAL TECH Kevin Leupold DESIGN & ART DIRECTION Courtney Walter STYLIST Oretta Corbelli ASSISTANT STYLIST Camille Bersier ASSISTANT Winston…

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Manny Jacinto

October 12, 2021

Manny Jacinto appears in an all-new Hulu series called Nine Perfect Strangers opposite Nicole Kidman. The show takes place at a health and wellness escape and Jacinto plays Yao who work at Tranquillum House. The Filipino-Canadian actor is known for…

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Tom Varey

October 5, 2021

Actor Tom Varey stars as Jack Morris in the new gripping thriller, Ridley Road. Ridley Road is written and adapted for television by award-winning writer Sarah Solemani and takes place in the 1960’s in London. The drama covers some relevant…

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Trevor Signorino

September 29, 2021

Trevor Signorino is one of the most recognizable male models in the world and is from right here in the United States. He has modeled for Charlie swimwear and became a household name when he starred in the VERSACE Dylan…

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Nick Topel

September 27, 2021

Nick Topel is a lifestyle and wellness trainer and Fitness model known for his magazine covers, AD campaigns with ARONIK SWIM and has amassed a huge following on Instagram over recent years since graduating from Ohio State University. We teamed…

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The Boy Who Has Everything

September 23, 2021

The Boy Who Has Everything MODEL Jake Parker Lentz, The Society PHOTOGRAPHER Brendan Wixted STYLIST Michael Cook MAKEUP Alex T HAIR Michael Moreno EDITOR Seth Travis Man of Metropolis – September 2021

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Industry Baby

  Industry Baby TALENT Jarred Manista, Clear Talent Group PHOTOGRAPHER Matthew Pandolfe STYLIST Bruce Estevez HAIR & MAKEUP Michael Moreno EDITOR Seth Travis Man of Metropolis – September 2021

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Back to Manhattan

  Back to Manhattan TALENT Garrett Neff, IMG PHOTOGRAPHER Santiago Bisso STYLIST Whitney Whitaker HAIR & MAKEUP Nastya Miliaeva EDITOR Seth Travis Man of Metropolis – September 2021